Golf Pricing Structure
Green Fees:
Members $6.00
Members Social Golf $8.00
Non-Members Social $40.00 or after 3pm $24.00
Visitor Sub-Junior Social $10.00
Social Golf runs 7 days - Bookings are essential
Competition Fees:
Members $20.00
Members Sub-Junior $15.00
Visitors (Mid Week) $35.00
Visitors (Weekend) $40.00
Visitor Sub-Junior $20.00
Reciprocal $28.00
Golf Club of Convenience $60.00
Cart Hire
Member Carts $33.00 (18 holes) / $25.00 (9 holes)
Non-Member Carts $40.00 (18 holes) / $25.00 (9 holes)
Private Carts
Members $4.50
Non-members $12.00
4 Seat carts are not permitted
Motorised bikes (Members only) are charged same fee as a Golf cart. Non-members bikes not permitted.
Scooters charge $3.00
Note: Fees for the above will increase annually
Competition Golf Day
Tuesdays - Thursdays & Saturdays / Ladies Competition Wednesday
Tuesday 8am – 11am
Wednesday Ladies 8am – 9.30am
Social Play before 8am | Between 9.30am & 10.15am | After 11.30
Thursday 6.30am – 2.15pm
Saturday 6.30am – 2.15pm
All bookings go online at midnight the Sunday before
Tues/Wed will have social players booked around comp if possible
Membership Pricing (Current to 30 June 2025)
7 Day Golf Membership (incl $100 bar credit) $945.00*
6 Day Golf Membership (incl $50 bar credit) $840.00*
Social Golf Membership (no Golflink) $500.00*
Intermediate Membership (26-30) $500.00
Junior Golf Membership (18-25) $225.00
Sub-Junior Golf Membership (under 18) $25.00
*7 Day, 6 Day and Social Fees can be paid via a payment plan